How Much Money Can You Send On Venmo?

Jul 02, 2024 at 04:42 am by soni540kumari

Venmo is a popular mobile payment service that allows users to easily send and receive money from friends and family. While it’s a convenient way to split bills, pay for services, or share expenses, Venmo has certain limits on how much money you can send. Understanding Venmo limits is crucial to ensure smooth transactions and to know how to increase your sending capacity if needed.

Introduction to Venmo Sending Limits

Venmo’s sending limits are designed to comply with regulatory requirements and to prevent fraud. The limits vary based on whether your identity has been verified. Let’s explore these limits in detail.

Unverified Accounts

When you first create a Venmo account, it’s unverified. As an unverified user, you’ll have limited sending capabilities.

  • Weekly Sending Limit: $299.99
  • Daily Limit: None specified, but the weekly limit applies.

This means that within any given week, you cannot send more than $299.99 in total. This limit is quite restrictive, making it essential for regular users to verify their identity.

Verified Accounts

Once you verify your identity, Venmo increases your sending limits significantly. Verification typically involves providing your legal name, physical address, date of birth, and Social Security Number.

  • Weekly Sending Limit: $6,999.99
  • Daily Limit: $2,999.99

How to Verify Your Identity

  1. Open the Venmo app.
  2. Go to the "Settings" menu.
  3. Select "Identity Verification."
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to provide the required information.

Verification usually takes a few minutes, but in some cases, it may take longer if additional information is needed.

Person-to-Person Payment Limits

For verified accounts, Venmo also imposes limits on person-to-person payments.

  • Single Payment Limit: $4,999.99
  • Weekly Limit for Person-to-Person Payments: $6,999.99

These limits mean you can send up to $4,999.99 in a single transaction to another person, but your total person-to-person payments cannot exceed $6,999.99 in a week.

Venmo Debit Card Limits

If you use a Venmo debit card, there are additional limits to be aware of.

  • Daily Purchase Limit: $3,000.00
  • Daily ATM Withdrawal Limit: $400.00
  • Weekly ATM Withdrawal Limit: $1,500.00

The Venmo debit card allows you to spend your Venmo balance directly, but these limits ensure you don’t overspend or withdraw too much cash in a short period.

Increasing Your Venmo Limits

If the standard limits are too restrictive for your needs, you can request an increase. Venmo may grant higher limits based on your account activity and verification status. Here’s how you can request higher limits:

  1. Ensure your account is verified.
  2. Regularly use Venmo for transactions.
  3. Contact Venmo Support through the app or their website to request an increase.

Providing a strong case for why you need higher limits, such as business purposes or frequent high-value transactions, can improve your chances of approval.

Venmo Limits for Businesses

Businesses using Venmo also have specific sending limits. Verified business accounts can have higher limits, allowing for more substantial transactions. These limits vary based on the business type and usage patterns.

Business Verification

To verify a business account:

  1. Log into your Venmo business profile.
  2. Provide required business information, including EIN or TIN, business address, and industry.
  3. Follow the verification steps outlined by Venmo.

Once verified, businesses can enjoy increased sending and receiving limits, facilitating larger transactions and smoother operations.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Exceeding Limits

If you try to send more money than your limit allows, Venmo will notify you of the limit breach. You’ll need to wait until your limit resets (usually after a week) or reduce the amount you’re trying to send.

Verification Delays

Occasionally, identity verification may take longer due to additional checks. Ensure all information provided is accurate and matches your official documents to avoid delays.

Account Holds

If Venmo detects unusual activity, they might place a hold on your account. This can temporarily limit your ability to send money. Contact Venmo Support to resolve any holds on your account.


Understanding Venmo sending limit is essential for seamless transactions. Whether you’re a casual user, a frequent spender, or a business, knowing these limits helps you manage your finances effectively. Verifying your identity is the first step to accessing higher limits, making Venmo a more flexible tool for your financial needs. Always ensure your information is accurate and up-to-date to avoid any interruptions in service.


Sections: Business